Tag Archives: best seo agency

How SEO Remains Important Today

26 Jul

For the detractors and skeptics who contend that Search Engine Optimization is a dying field today, you couldn’t be more wrong.

Samuel Tanlo, 33, an IT professional who has worked for an seo company in Singapore for 7 years exclaimed, “If these people who claim that SEO is no longer relevant, how would you explain the continued success of some of the best seo agency here and abroad? They do not only thrive as a business, these seo companies make it possible for other businesses to be known all across the globe for the relevant work they provide. These detractors know nothing about SEO obviously, and they may have failed to update themselves on the existing trends.”

“An important aspect of SEO is making your website easy for both users and search engine robots to understand. Although search engines have become increasingly sophisticated, they still can’t see and understand a web page the same way a human can. SEO helps the engines figure out what each page is about, and how it may be useful for users,” wrote an unnamed writer in the article posted in moz.com titled Why Search Engine Marketing is Necessary.

Skeptics have lead people to believe things that are just ruining SEO’s reputation. “There have been a lot of myths and misconceptions about SEO that are far from being true,” said Martin Lucio-Zhen, also an IT professional working in a seo agency in Singapore. “One of them is the misconception that, getting a good inbound link by linking your site from the comments is desirable. Which is a big hack,” debunked Martin.“Inbound links to your website are like votes of confidence for your content and have a positive impact on your page’s ranking, but inbound links should be earned. Leaving links behind in the comments section of a blog isn’t going to help you in that area. Most blogs have ‘no follow’ instructions built into their comments section to avoid spam. Just as it sounds, ‘no follow’ instructs the search engine crawlers to ignore any links within the comments. It’s certainly not bad to occasionally link to relevant content in the comments you leave. In fact, if it’s an insightful comment, it may get you some good traffic — it’s just not likely to increase your search rank directly. And be careful not to overdo it. Having a large portion of those backlinks coming from blog comments, it can raise red flags with Google,” wrote hubspot.com writer Meghan Keaney Anderson in her article titled 7 Common (and Dangerous) Misconceptions About SEO.

And more of those experts who really know the ins and outs of the SEO world could attest to the importance of SEO today. For instance, webpagefx.com through the article Is SEO Still Relevant in 2017?, shared several important points, “SEO matters, and the strategy is more important than ever. It’s an essential component to successful digital marketing efforts, and it can be the difference between attracting tons of website traffic and getting lost among the billions of other sites on the Internet. So why are some people questioning its importance? Algorithm changes continue to reward high-quality content, so some marketers are starting to think that as long as they post worthwhile content, SEO doesn’t matter. They think it will take care of itself without a strategy. While quality content is great for building customer trust and getting users to want to visit your site, it won’t be found on its own. SEO is what helps users find it in the first place, and even the best content is useless if no one ever sees it.”

Writers like Jason DeMers who wrote the article Is Keyword Density Still Important For SEO? for forbes.com gives relevant points and insights about SEO today as well, “Focusing on creating longer, more valuable content will naturally lead to higher rankings. Instead of getting hung up on how many times you’re using your keywords, aim to cover every angle of your topic. With the vast majority of online content getting little to no traction, writing long-form, highly-detailed, valuable content will give you the best chance of gaining inbound links, social media shares, and increased search rankings.”

Attract More PR For Your Business: Hire An SEO Expert

25 Apr


If you are now considering to hire an SEO expert, you might as well knowledgeable on what they can do for you. Don’t afraid to ask this question, “Is it worth my money?” Be that as it may, now every industry has a rivalry, and SEO has turned out to be important to achieve potential clients or leads.

As an SEO expert myself, working in one of the best SEO companies here in Singapore, I know how effective it is when it comes to marketing your product and services online. There are many advantages you can get from SEO strategist, especially if you’ll be able to find the best SEO agency, be in an outsource or in your town. These advantages greatly outweigh the cost you might experience by marketing your business on your own.

Increase brand awareness and online visibility.

Yes, you have the most high-tech website, and yes, you have got the most user-friendly features in it, but does it visible on the top searches online? Having a beautiful website is not enough if it wasn’t optimized. SEO expert can provide effective keywords and they can optimize it onto your website so the crawlers can categorize your website appropriate to its niche. Planning for keywords is not that easy as you thought it could be. You have to strategically choose which keywords have a lot of search volume. A tedious work that the SEO experts, and not those inexperienced, can handle.

Help your website’s rankings.

With the help of an SEO strategist, You got to see your website ranking on the top 3 of the search engine for quite a few months now. What more if you let them handle your website for half a year? Yes, it should be a continual optimization to remain its ranking on the search engine. In line with hundreds of online competitors, you can easily lose your website’s ranking. With SEO, you can relax while you’re hired SEO is still vigilant and effective. Without SEO, your website may never be visible online and it may not have ranked exceptionally.

Increase your leads and customers.

With the increase in online visibility and rankings, customers will follow.  If a lot of people can now see your websites, people will be more likely to see its content and what it offers. More importantly, they are more likely to be your potential customers. An SEO agency can help you actualize the techniques that are critical for enhancing your chances of achieving potential clients or leads while lessening the cost you need to spend on marketing.

Provide you an SEO-friendly content.

SEO can offer a lot of techniques to gain drive more traffic to your website. It goes without saying that they didn’t stick to one strategy and pray it will work. They will do the necessary things to do to be able to meet their client objectives. They can also provide SEO-friendly content to boost your products and services you want to tell the world. An SEO-friendly articles that can pass the rule of search engine- it has to be a quality content and no keyword stuffing.