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The Intrinsic Value of SEO Agencies in the Business World

19 Aug

Instead of settling down unhappily and giving up on their biggest dreams and loftiest goals in life by sticking to their dead-end jobs that pays the bills but does nothing to lift up their spirits, young entrepreneurs and business owners decided to stay on the path that they have chosen so that they can enjoy the finer things the world has to offer as they live life on the fast lane. Although having their own company, chasing after their desires and inching closer towards the American Dream is indeed on top of their bucket list, business owners should always stay on top of things all the time. The competition is tough and one, tiny slip can lead to their heart-wrenching downfall and disappointing demise that can certainly spell their doom and lead straight to financial bankruptcy.

And that is why they need to seek the invaluable help and professional services offered by the finest and most famous seo agency based in Singapore because this company can certainly help them reach their target figures and annual projections at an unprecedented and impressive rate. Old school veterans of the game and hardened captains of industry stubbornly refuse to evolve and adapt with the passage of time and innovate new strategies that will dramatically improve their chances of succeeding in all fronts because they think that their archaic and outdated tactics will still work in these modern times.

But younger and tech savvy business owners who are blessed with infallible foresight, uncanny intelligence and a touch of good sense know that going to Singapore and acquiring the services of an seo agency is their best bet to succeed in different aspects and facets of their business operations. Search engine optimization has completely affected different fields, industries and areas of expertise because they have revolutionized the playing field and revised the rules of the game. This is particularly evident in the business world because advancements in science and technology can now be used to their advantage as they use electronic gadgets, programs and various software to give them the edge that they need in different departments.

First of all, the specialists of an seo agency can exponentially improve their advertising and marketing campaign since millions of users and potential customers are always online because they are always tinkering with search engines like Google and Bing as they seek useful information. Brand recognition is the name of the game because it is very important for businesses and companies that are relatively young compared to established corporations and giant conglomerates. Search engine optimization also works really well with social media marketing because they go hand in hand and they enable companies to maintain open lines of communication with their clients and customers.

This way, they can spread the word to the public, share information about their company and reach a wider audience in a more efficient and effective manner through their websites that are hooked up to social media channels like YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. And since communication is a two-way street, they can also listen to the suggestions, complaints and other forms of social criticism of their target market because feedback is important to learn how to improve their products and services.

Start Your Campaign Right

16 Aug

Social media campaigns use one or more social media platforms for promotion in order to achieve the business goal. (Social media) campaign is a step by step process so if you wish for your  campaign to reach the goal as soon as possible,  you and your team will have to work extra hard for it.


In order to achieve having one of the best social media campaigns, here are a few tips that can help your campaign before starting:


  1. Choose and build the right campaign

– Before thinking of what might happen in the future, set your mind to what you really want to accomplish. Whether it’s a social media related campaign or not, set your goals straight and always do your research first. Build a campaign that people will be interested in.


  1. Have a strategy

– One great strategy that you can think of is to plan an event may it be in-person or a company event. Make it memorable and be memorable by showing things that you can do for the campaign and how it’s going to work.


  1. Connect with your audience

– Building the relationship between the audiences can help your campaign succeed. It is up to you whether what social media marketing agency will you go for. You can start with either choosing two of the most popular social media which are Facebook and Twitter for promoting your campaign.


  1. Offer the right prize

– It is said that back in the days, other companies used to give expensive prizes which is somehow not connected to their brand. This for sure can attract your audience however it’s a bittersweet reality that some audience only participate to a certain campaign because of its prize. Do not be that kind of campaign. Offer a prize that represents your own campaign, and always be real with your target audience.


  1. Spread the word!

– The usage of more social media platforms, the better! Do not hesitate to promote your campaign to different social networking sites. The bigger your campaign gets, the higher chance of other companies to visit your website, promote, and even collaborate with your brand. Grab many opportunities as much as you and your team can.


  1. Treat your followers good

– Your followers are the main reason to wherever your brand takes you. Whether you’re just starting or in the middle of your goal, never forget to give time to your followers. They’ve supported your campaign, at least give them a little prize or a giveaway as a thank you present. Your audience will surely appreciate it!


  1. Build a contact base

– If you know someone who has a huge follower count, build connections because he/she might be willing to help your business. If ever the person agrees to help you with your brand, again, grab the opportunity and return the favour.


Everything starts with a dream, so if you wish to pursue a certain campaign, then go for the goal. Raise awareness and spread more love.

What To Expect from the SEO Company You Hired

31 Jul

So, you finally decided to hire an SEO company from Singapore and you expect the company will be true to its words—that it will make sure to perform the needed seo services for your company’s welfare. This is how you plan to thrive in the internet world until you do have the financial capacity to hire your own marketers. You have seen other companies do the same, as they rose to prominence and gained more clients by finding a good seo agency in Singapore to help them out for better brand awareness online.

But here is the catch. How do you make sure that the hard earned money you invested in hiring this seo company really delivered what must be done for the sake of your common goal? Here are some signs that your decision to outsource a seo team is a good venture that was not put to waste.


The SEO firm communicates to you on a regular basis.

You will notice the commitment of the seo team you hired when updates on your progress are always communicated to you. A reliable seo company never fails to show you the necessary website audit findings for you to understand where the strategies are headed and what has been achieved for the time being. The team should also be honest if there are troubles or setbacks that they are encountering and they should also be knowledgeable on how to resolve this problems and issues. A good seo team also answers your questions pertaining to your seo concerns no matter how simple or complex they may be.


Your ranking noticeably improved.
One sure sign that your outsourced team really took it to a heart to take you to the top of the game is when your rankings are greatly improving. You’ll notice that your ranking appears at the first page of google when you try to search using target keywords (and even when using a variety of long-tail keywords). And this happens not only in a day. The rank should be consistent. While some shifts may happen sometimes, it should always be able to come back to its position after a while.


They include you in important decisions and give objective recommendations.

You must realize that the success of your goal is a two-way street. A good SEO team will always seek your help as well in reaching your desired target. A good SEO firm values your partnership, and it may recommend several things to do on your end like starting a blog; opening some social media channels like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, among others; adding tags to images; launching a content marketing plan; etcetera.


You observe an increase in revenue.

If you noticed that your products and services have been getting greater and better revenue (as apparent on the percentages you are keeping track on, month after month), this may be because people have been noticing your brand—as a fruit of labor that your SEO team is reaping after the hard work it put in. Notice that when the team started working for you, clients from all over have been asking about your products/services and orders have grown exponentially. It only goes to show that people have been reading about what you have to offer online, and their curiosity has led them to try out your product/service. Thanks to your SEO team, you will not remain anonymous anymore.

5 Reasons SEO Efforts Should Always Be Done Consistently

28 Jul

Are you looking to hire an SEO company only for a short period? If this is your first time optimizing your website, it’s possible you may be thinking so. However, what most entrepreneurs forget is that site optimization should be done consistently. Here are five reasons why.


1. No guaranteed time frame for achieving your marketing goals.

While you and your SEO agency in Singapore will most likely discuss time frames, understand that there’s no way you can determine when you’ll hit your goal. A content can get viral in no time. Fixing site issues can take longer than expected. Either way, it’s crucial to be flexible to avoid pressure on your people and the SEO agency working with you. On the other hand, you want to be able to determine if your efforts seem to be going nowhere. Coordinate closely with your SEO team so you know how things are working out.


2. Paid search campaigns should be monitored and reviewed.

If you are as well investing in paid ads to earn traffic to your website, then you need a team to consistently track your progress. You want to make sure that your budget is properly allocated. That the content of the ads, particularly their corresponding landing pages, work effectively. Pay per click marketing is not a one-time venture that you can leave behind once it’s set up. You need the expertise of a professional SEM agency to assist you throughout the campaign.


3. Directory listings may need to be updated.

If you have submitted information to business directory listings, you also need to make they’re all updated. You may be changing contact numbers, locations, business hours, or rates for products and services. Bottomline is your target audience should find consistent information about your business to avoid confusion. The SEO company you hire in Singapore should help you with this. You may also want to ensure that you provided as much information as possible as consumers usually start their search online. Don’t forget to encourage your customers to leave reviews, which in turn you should also diligently check. It helps to be able to respond to negative reviews than leave them unhandled, only to put off prospective customers.


4. Content will need to be reviewed.

The content you upload on your website needs to reviewed regularly to ensure they’re updated. You may be able to add new insights to old content and republish them again. You also need to consistently check for broken links, particularly if you’re linking to external websites on your posts. You want your readers to access the information you share with ease.


5. Finally, social media efforts need to be maximized.

If you are as well boosting your social media presence, then you need your SEO team to be there for you throughout. You need professionals to guide you on how you can come up with an efficient content calendar and scheduling system. They can test out or recommend tools that your employees can use.


At the end of the day, you want to be as productive in your SEO efforts as possible. Testing should be done regularly so you can change strategies or apply new tactics when necessary. Always remember, consistency is key for SEO success.

How SEO Remains Important Today

26 Jul

For the detractors and skeptics who contend that Search Engine Optimization is a dying field today, you couldn’t be more wrong.

Samuel Tanlo, 33, an IT professional who has worked for an seo company in Singapore for 7 years exclaimed, “If these people who claim that SEO is no longer relevant, how would you explain the continued success of some of the best seo agency here and abroad? They do not only thrive as a business, these seo companies make it possible for other businesses to be known all across the globe for the relevant work they provide. These detractors know nothing about SEO obviously, and they may have failed to update themselves on the existing trends.”

“An important aspect of SEO is making your website easy for both users and search engine robots to understand. Although search engines have become increasingly sophisticated, they still can’t see and understand a web page the same way a human can. SEO helps the engines figure out what each page is about, and how it may be useful for users,” wrote an unnamed writer in the article posted in titled Why Search Engine Marketing is Necessary.

Skeptics have lead people to believe things that are just ruining SEO’s reputation. “There have been a lot of myths and misconceptions about SEO that are far from being true,” said Martin Lucio-Zhen, also an IT professional working in a seo agency in Singapore. “One of them is the misconception that, getting a good inbound link by linking your site from the comments is desirable. Which is a big hack,” debunked Martin.“Inbound links to your website are like votes of confidence for your content and have a positive impact on your page’s ranking, but inbound links should be earned. Leaving links behind in the comments section of a blog isn’t going to help you in that area. Most blogs have ‘no follow’ instructions built into their comments section to avoid spam. Just as it sounds, ‘no follow’ instructs the search engine crawlers to ignore any links within the comments. It’s certainly not bad to occasionally link to relevant content in the comments you leave. In fact, if it’s an insightful comment, it may get you some good traffic — it’s just not likely to increase your search rank directly. And be careful not to overdo it. Having a large portion of those backlinks coming from blog comments, it can raise red flags with Google,” wrote writer Meghan Keaney Anderson in her article titled 7 Common (and Dangerous) Misconceptions About SEO.

And more of those experts who really know the ins and outs of the SEO world could attest to the importance of SEO today. For instance, through the article Is SEO Still Relevant in 2017?, shared several important points, “SEO matters, and the strategy is more important than ever. It’s an essential component to successful digital marketing efforts, and it can be the difference between attracting tons of website traffic and getting lost among the billions of other sites on the Internet. So why are some people questioning its importance? Algorithm changes continue to reward high-quality content, so some marketers are starting to think that as long as they post worthwhile content, SEO doesn’t matter. They think it will take care of itself without a strategy. While quality content is great for building customer trust and getting users to want to visit your site, it won’t be found on its own. SEO is what helps users find it in the first place, and even the best content is useless if no one ever sees it.”

Writers like Jason DeMers who wrote the article Is Keyword Density Still Important For SEO? for gives relevant points and insights about SEO today as well, “Focusing on creating longer, more valuable content will naturally lead to higher rankings. Instead of getting hung up on how many times you’re using your keywords, aim to cover every angle of your topic. With the vast majority of online content getting little to no traction, writing long-form, highly-detailed, valuable content will give you the best chance of gaining inbound links, social media shares, and increased search rankings.”

What Can SEO Exactly Do For Your Company?

25 Jul

Does believing in the power of SEO worth it? Will you get your money’s worth if you select an SEO company to back you up?

Well, read on and figure out if SEO is the answer you’ve been clamoring for to bring your company to greater heights:

SEO can work to bring your site to the top ranks of search engines

If the SEO company you hired is good enough, you will consistently find your website at the top ranks of the search engines like Bing, Google, and Yahoo. And what does this mean for your business? “As a general rule of thumb, sites that appear higher up in the results will get more traffic to their pages, and so potentially more business. Your goal is to get to page one and ideally to position one, but whether that is feasible largely depends on the market that you are operating in. If you’re in the mobile phone space or travel, you’ll be fighting a losing battle unless you’ve got a sizeable budget to spend. However, if you’re offering a niche product or a service in a defined geographical area, you stand a pretty good chance of at least getting to page one if you are patient and follow these basic principles,” Natalie Lines in the article What is SEO and How Can it Help My Website’s Google Visibility for

It is definitely a great investment

As with any risky but worthy venture, hiring an SEO company to do the professional work for you can cost you a little money, but, the gains are really rewarding in the long run. “An investment with a high return. By tying in SEO to Web analytics data, you may observe certain keywords having great conversion rates for which you rank only on page #2 on Google and know that you’re leaving money on the table.

Lifting your rank to the top 3 spots on the first page, where most clicks go, can provide a massive return on your modest investment into SEO. It’s why SEO has been likened to investing in real estate – the returns can be truly stupendous when you get it right,” said Trond Lyngbø in her The Ultimate List of Reasons Why You Need Search Engine Optimization for

SEO Gives You the Control To Show Which Is Permitted on Your Own Site

As the business owner, you should be able to have some kind of power to select how you will be represented online, “SEO keeps you from missing out on free advertising. Would you trust another agency to write your door sign, or decide what goes on your visiting card? Will you allow your competitor to design your display ads, or decide who sees your storefront? If you don’t strategically craft your website’s title tags and meta descriptions, that’s what you’re permitting. And that’s not good for business at all. It’s like leaving “lorem ipsum” text on your printed marketing materials! SEO lets you dictate how your business should be featured on search results. If thousands of your prospects are viewing “random text”, you’re leaving money on the table. You’re letting a wonderful chance to get free advertising slip through your fingers. The good news is that once you’re aware of this, it’s easy to fix. SEO hands you back the controls so you can steer your business along the right path,” further shared

Myths About SEO That You Should Never Believe

24 Jul

You know how hardcore non-believers, skeptics, and haters are—they can easily start a false statement, keep it running around, and have everyone follow their perspective too. And this goes true even for the SEO industry. IT and SEO expert Marlo King from Singapore shared how he encountered skeptical clients who knew so little about the search engine optimization world, “Sometimes, I can’t quite figure out who even start such false beliefs and infect everyone else who initially had a good impression about SEO.  I know an SEO company here in Singapore who was a victim of constant bad mouthing who had to re-brand their company just to fight this false news about SEO and keep everyone informed about the truth of the hard work that reputable SEO companies do. There was once a client of ours who would keep asking us if SEO will likely make them hemorrhage money month after month if they stay at the last pages of the search engine and keep on telling us that he read somewhere that SEO is dead since 2010, and Google is working on it. I don’t know if I’ll blunt to say she knows nothing about SEO or laugh so hard on how dumb her sources were. But as with any SEO professionals, I try to dial down the sarcasm and explain comprehensively to her how SEO really works. ”


Never be a victim of bad SEO myths. Here are some of those that you should not even waste your time on proving:


SEO does not really need images and videos

This is one big lie. Any site who wants to get more readers and visitors can use some attractive photos, images, and interesting videos for sure. In fact, they play such relevant roles in making your website be among the top ranking sites in the search engine. You know how netizens love seeing something new that they can talk about and how good images and videos can get viral today. Anything dynamic, alive, and real can speak to website visitors—and that’s why people appreciate a good story told by a picture or a video. So whoever said videos and images are so yesterday, must be insanely delusional.


Link building will never yield good results

Again, that’s just so un-objective and downright untrue. Link building is an SEO strategy that will never go out of style because you need this to increase the visibility of your site. Without this, the whole SEO strategy is just incomplete and will never take off the way it should.


SEO is very much reliant on keyword density

Is it the more the merrier for the SEO strategy to succeed? Na-ah. One thing you should be mindful of about SEO is that it should be more about placing the keywords at the right place and the right time to yield greater results. Following this philosophy can guarantee you’ll get search engines to crawl on your website thus improving your ranking naturally.


Better organic results can be yielded through paid search 

Neil Patel debunked this myth. In his article for titled 17 SEO Myths That You Should Never Follow, he wrote “Can AdWords PPC help in organic rankings? I don’t think so. There is no apparent correlation between organic rankings and paid rankings. They function on different terrain. The organic search results come from the index database, while PPC’s sponsored links are based on your bid and total investment.”



Social Media and Marketing

18 Jul

Everyone uses social media. It has been a part of a lot of people’s lives. In fact, a lot of people cannot go through their day without checking their social media accounts for at least five times per day. That’s how much social media has impacted the lives of people. They use social media to connect with others, to express what they feel, to let the world know of what is up with their personal lives and some use use social media to pass time. Social media has been so huge that all kinds of people from different walks of life have their own social media account. From celebrities, politicians, public figures and even pets have their social media accounts.

Because a lot of people are connected through social media, the genius minds of the business world have learned on how to harness the power of social media where a lot are connected. They now utilize social media for their marketing campaign. Social media marketing campaigns are pretty much common now when one uses their social media account. Campaigns are all over the place. From one social media site to another, no one can miss the abundance of marketing campaigns. It is a smart move for business men to use social media for marketing. Here are some things why social media is a great place for marketing:

  1. A LOT of people use social media.

Social media has a lot of users. It is a fact. People from all around the world has their own social media account and they use on a regularly basis. Because of this, social media campaigns have the capacity to reach out to a lot of people. Their only limitations are those people who have no social media, besides that, they can reach anyone on the planet, making their campaigns pretty effective as a lot can recognize their brand.

  1. Social Media is easily accessed these days.

Logging in on your social media account is as easy as eating pie for it is only just one tap away. Because of this, business campaigns are viewed easily. Anyone can see these campaigns in a matter of seconds.

  1. Social media allows customer feedbacks.

Social media allows feedbacks. This makes campaigns vulnerable to inquiries made by their potential clients. This makes it easier for businesses online to adjust to the customers’ demands to their abilities making their campaign more suited to a larger, general audience. More customers satisfied mean more success for the business.

With the large audience that social media hosts, marketing campaigns are sure to be successful. All it takes to make a social media campaign is to make sure it connects to the target customers. Making sure it connects to the customers makes the campaign more effective as it emphasizes the goals of the business to give what their customers need.

Social media makes all these things possible. A lot of people have their own different purpose for using social media. They have their own agenda. For some, they use it for their personal purpose while others use it to provide services for the public. It all ends up on how it is utilized. For businesses, they use social media as a platform to advertise what they could offer to their target audience.

How Social Media Changed Us

30 Jun

Any individual who has come to own and maintain his or her social media account in facebook, twitter, instagram, blogs, etcetera has been surely changed—whether the individual noticed it or not. The influence of social media may vary for each of us, but it can never be denied how much it altered our sense of reality and how we deal with others. And whether we contend that the changes  may have been gradually or radically, it certainly had a great impact on how we all see the world today.


“For one, it has become easier to launch influencer marketing campaign because you are sure people will take notice, with millions and millions of facebook users alone,” observed Nathan, 34, who works for an influencer marketing agency in Singapore.



The younger member of the population seem to get their

information and news, firsthand, through social media as well.

“My father often ask me what’s for in the headline every morning

at breakfast because he knows even before I get up from my bed,

I’ve already checked my phone,” shared Amanda Smith, 19.

“While he still enjoys his morning broadsheet with his coffee at

breakfast, he knows my news will be more detailed. This is not

because I am a social media addict. I have been trained to always

read the news because I major in Journalism, and I want to be a

journalist or simply a writer of fiction in the future. So naturally, I read the New York Times and Forbes online as much as I could,” Smith further said.


Sociologist and political analyst Dr. Landro Tan also observed how people became more vocal on the things they advocate, “The positive side of being active in social media is the world seems to be a smaller place now in a sense that what happens in the Middle East even when you are from a faraway country like Australia will easily be known. I also noticed how people are more open and vocal with their political views nowadays albeit getting bashed is such a big risk for people who add others that they don’t really know in person. My take on this is to secure you account and make sure those in your circle are friends whom you really know in person. As a lot of us over-share, there is this danger of being stalked and being judge unfairly just based on what we share online.” He further said, “But there really are more positive things that social media yields. For instance, social and political issues about divorce, the LGBT, contraceptives, religion, health, welfare of animals are just some of the common advocacies that we read online today. We become more inclusive and we see how people now care more than ever. However, there is this issue of fake news always circulating so we need to be more critical of what we read.”



“Social media has sprung out of human’s need to connect. And we see both the positive and negative effects of it. It always depends on the person using account/s to be very responsible. For one, the internet has made it easy for people to become celebrities even when they are not exactly actors or politicians. One can also self-publish just using free blog sites. Social media also made possible for us to follow our favourite artists online. Others do online business like selling apparels and even baked goods just using their instagram accounts. And the list can be endless,” shared Professor Maggie Cooper, a teacher of economics in a university in Canada.

What SEO Can Do For Your Business

28 Jun


There are many small to medium enterprise (SMEs) here in Singapore that seek the services of SEO companies, and the primary reason why they do so is for the growth of their business. Whether they sell products or offer specific services, as long as they have a web page, SEO companies can provide a service that can effectively drive more traffic and visitors to their client’s website while being affordable at the same time.


What do SEO companies exactly do?


Quite a simple question that demands a detailed answer. To start with, SEO means search engine optimization. Basically, SEO companies utilize the way search engines interact with a web page that contains the keyword the user is looking for, which includes the web page’s contents, active links to trusted websites, and even the coding used for the web page, to increase its search result ranking. Though not all search engines actually use the same method of indexing websites that are related to the keyword inputted by the user. That is why it is best for a company to seek services from SEOs that are actually familiar with how the top search engines determine page rankings. But it is not limited to just studying search engines. Keyword research also plays an important role with regards to how search engines work. An SEO company must be able to properly match or relate their client’s product and services to the possible keywords that the user may put when searching for it. Basically, any kind of optimization done to a website and methods of improving rankings on a search engine are means of search engine optimization.


What can SEO do for my business or company?


Public search engines have millions of users in different countries all around the world. A web page that does not appear on a search engine, or at least the first page of a search result does not do a good job of getting the business consumers. This is why SEO is important especially for those who are willing to invest in online marketing since people who are looking for products online normally interact with search engines, using a specific set of words in searching, are potential consumers which can effectively improve a web page’s visit to sales conversion. The intensity of growth and publicity that it can provide your business web page can generate more revenue than any other online forms of marketing, especially if the website would appear in the top rankings of the search result. Imagine being a top ranking online shop in Google which is probably the largest search engine, which generates about 3.5 billions of search every single day. It would truly be a worthy investment in terms of marketing.


It may be quite a bit hard to find a competitive and efficient SEO company for your business especially if you are not very familiar with regards to how SEO marketing works. To learn more, it is best for you to consult a few SEO firms and decide which one to go with depending on what they can show you, and how they have performed in handling other clients.